Top OTHERS tickets by weighted vote Date: April 26, 2019 Open OTHERS tickets with at least one vote, sorted in descending order of their "weighted vote". At the end of the CLJ and CLJS lists are tickets with no votes, but they have been at least Triaged. For the CLJ project, Triaged means that at least one Clojure screener thinks the ticket describes a real issue. At the end of other project ticket lists are all open tickets, whether they have votes or not. Suppose someone has currently voted on N open tickets. Then their vote counts as (1+log(N,2))/N for each of those tickets, where log(N,2) is the base 2 logarithm of N (formerly it was 1/N). This new formula gives those who vote on many tickets more 'points' to divide up (suggested by Alex Miller). Still, it helps to be selective to change the rankings. This calculation is done independently for each project, e.g. for CLJ, for CLJS, for MATCH, etc. Note: Ticket wranglers sometimes look at unweighted vote counts on tickets, too, when deciding which to act upon, so feel free to vote on many tickets if you care about them. Each ticket is listed with: [-] voter #1 (weight that voter #1 contributes) voter #2 (weight that voter #2 contributes) ... where State is one of the states in the JIRA flow diagram at Note that a state of "Backlog" is shown below if the next release is N, and the ticket is marked for fix in release N+1 (e.g. the next release is 1.7, but the ticket is marked for fix in release 1.8). Project ALGOG tickets ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [ALGOG-5] Addition of generic modulus 0.00 0 Open [ALGOG-12] Implement abs, round for additional number types (patch attached) Project ALGOM tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [ALGOM-16] domonad state-m when :cond missing clause throw null pointer exception ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [ALGOM-15] either monad 0.00 0 Open [ALGOM-18] Make m-map take mulitple colls. like core/map ======================================== Feature 0.00 0 Open [ALGOM-19] Add monadic implementations of walk, prewalk, and postwalk Project ASYNC tickets ======================================== Defect 4.58 5 Open [ASYNC-144] pipeline-async docstring correction Moritz Heidkamp (1.00) Timothy Baldridge (1.00) David Bürgin (0.86) Pierre-Yves Ritschard (0.86) Terje Norderhaug (0.86) 4.00 4 Open [ASYNC-109] Clarify timeout doc to mention that close! should not be called on a timeout channel Ryan Sundberg (1.00) Antonin Hildebrand (1.00) Howard Lewis Ship (1.00) Simon Skorokhodov (1.00) 3.88 5 Triaged [ASYNC-90] Pub/sub leaks memory Collider Writer (1.00) Jonas Enlund (1.00) Jan Rychter (0.75) Daniel Compton (0.66) jcr (0.46) 3.61 4 Open [ASYNC-158] (CLJS) and with multiple ! should be macros 0.00 0 Open [ASYNC-210] Puts committed on take! when buffer is full and buffer contains an expanding transducer 0.00 0 Open [ASYNC-211] `a/map` close out channel immediately when any one of inputs closed 0.00 0 Open [ASYNC-212] `go` fails to compile expressions with literal `nil` as a let value 0.00 0 Open [ASYNC-215] (CLJS) Cannot use (js-debugger) in go block 0.00 0 Open [ASYNC-219] some locals are not cleared in go blocks 0.00 0 Open [ASYNC-222] can't assign instance fields in go blocks 0.00 0 Open [ASYNC-224] bug in method abort of clojure.core.async.impl.channels 0.00 0 Open [ASYNC-225] Add a closable-timeout function that always return a fresh channel 0.00 0 Triaged [ASYNC-156] (CLJS) go block containing letfn does not compile 0.00 0 Triaged [ASYNC-165] (CLJS) the binding macro/let binding is wrongly inlined ======================================== Enhancement 21.39 22 Triaged [ASYNC-94] Allow user supplied executor/thread-pool (and potentially other options) to be used in go, thread macros and chan Arnaud Bos (1.00) Chad Harrington (1.00) Colin Taylor (1.00) Derek Troy-West (1.00) John Schmidt (1.00) Michael Drogalis (1.00) Nicolas HA (1.00) Paul Bauer (1.00) Ryan Neufeld (1.00) Sameer Rahmani (1.00) Stuart Halloway (1.00) Thomas Engelschmidt (1.00) Timothy Pote (1.00) zhihong zhang (1.00) Brandon Adams (1.00) Dan Boykis (1.00) Howard Lewis Ship (1.00) Masaru Itoh (1.00) Nicola Mometto (1.00) David Bürgin (0.86) Pierre-Yves Ritschard (0.86) Daniel Compton (0.66) 15.07 16 Open [ASYNC-74] Provide a chan? function to determine if a given var is a channel Alexander Kiel (1.00) Casey Marshall (1.00) Erik Assum (1.00) Huahai Yang (1.00) Jan Krajicek (1.00) Krisztian Szabo (1.00) Mathias De Wachter (1.00) Nahuel Greco (1.00) Reid McKenzie (1.00) Brandon Adams (1.00) Dieter Komendera (1.00) Masaru Itoh (1.00) Thomas Heller (1.00) Marco Molteni (0.86) Jan Rychter (0.75) jcr (0.46) 4.99 6 Triaged [ASYNC-126] Add public channel "closed?" predicate Baptiste Dupuch (1.00) J. S. Choi (1.00) Jonas Enlund (1.00) Eduard Bondarenko (0.86) Daniel Compton (0.66) jcr (0.46) 4.53 5 Open [ASYNC-137] (CLJS) Make ( [CTYP-197] No matching arities when defining multiple arity protocol method Johan Gall (1.00) 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-32] Cannot instantiate variables that have bounds 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-88] with-meta doesn't type check with vectors or hash-maps. 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-102] large hashmaps: failure to discover subtype and error-output to complex to understand 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-140] HSequential things should correctly erase dotted arguments 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-191] Bad type syntax when parsing types of macro-generated anonymous functions from required namespaces (when the types are composed, for instance (Option AnyInteger)) 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-195] Support for clojure.core/extend is broken when used with typed.core/defprotocol 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-201] Calling a multimethod from a protocol function breaks the type checker 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-204] Assoc doesn't work with multiple entries 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-209] method-type is broken 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-219] RPS example does not type check 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-221] group-by produces "Cannot resolve type: Seqable" 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-222] if-let on an hmap with an optional entry always expected to succeed 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-223] checking clojure.core/keep produces Internal Error--Cannot resolve type: Option 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-225] Intersections of value types broken 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-231] (Array X) is broken and undocumented 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-241] Let-aliased variables of plain Map lookups should update original map 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-242] adding stop-gap annotation for 'hash-map' results in runtime exception 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-270] "Method code too large!" with protocols (more than 38 functions in the protocol) 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-274] Inferred type for {{defn}} and {{typed/fn}} with the same body are different 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-275] Bad call to path-type: nil 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-277] Typechecking fails with internal assert error 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-279] An invalid type annotation for a function with a record argument passes a type check 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-282] Internal error with t/defn, sort-by and no refer all 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-306] pred doesn't work for non-literal HVecs with varargs 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-326] Let-aliasing breaks flow inference for results of `class` ======================================== Enhancement 4.00 4 Bad: Match > [CTYP-133] Typechecker fails when checking involves an object from reify Donald Ball (1.00) Jochen Hinrichsen (1.00) Joshua Tilles (1.00) Leon Grapenthin (1.00) 1.00 1 Bad: Match > [CTYP-129] select-keys on HMap returns Map with union key and value types Juho Teperi (1.00) 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-72] merge doesn't seem to like records 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-76] Support KwArgsSeq in apply 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-143] extend & extend-protocol with (Class/forName "[B") as Class dispatch value fails 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-301] Abstract over keyword arguments 0.00 0 Bad: Match > [CTYP-327] Adding annotations for clojure.string namespace. Project DAVL tickets ======================================== Defect 2.00 2 Open [DAVL-11] Update cljs data.avl maps to return MapEntries instead of 2-elem vectors to comply with clj 1.9 and cljs 1.9.293 and later Steffen Dienst (1.00) daniel sutton (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [DAVL-10] data.avl ordered sets are not = to java.util.Set's with same members 0.00 0 Open [DAVL-12] JDK 11 Compatibility Project DCODEC tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [DCODEC-5] Invalid input turns into null bytes ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [DCODEC-1] Add simple utility functions for base64 conversions? 0.00 0 Open [DCODEC-3] Hex (Base 16) codec Project DCSV tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [DCSV-6] read-csv can not handle white-space at end of line 0.00 0 Open [DCSV-8] Allow read-csv to read files without quoting. 0.00 0 Open [DCSV-14] Double quote at beginning of cell throws exception 0.00 0 Open [DCSV-17] Adding namespace qualifiers in documentation ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [DCSV-1] pom.xml directives 0.00 0 Open [DCSV-9] write-csv and quote? predicate 0.00 0 Open [DCSV-12] Add project.clj for easier local development 0.00 0 Open [DCSV-13] Port data.csv to clojurescript 0.00 0 Open [DCSV-15] Use Reducers/Transducers for better performance & resource handling 0.00 0 Open [DCSV-18] Support CSV Injection Escape Mechanisms ======================================== Task 1.00 1 Open [DCSV-10] Specify RFC4180 compatibilty in README Adrian A. (1.00) Project DFINGER tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [DFINGER-3] Check whether Iterator implementation correctly implements next by throwing required NoSuchElementException Project DFRS tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [DFRS-7] Roundtrip encoding of values are unequal under Clojure 1.6 0.00 0 Open [DFRS-8] missing support for bytes ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Bad: Match n [DFRS-2] Make writing footer checksums less expensive or optional 0.00 0 Open [DFRS-5] Add c.l.PersistentHashSet ReadHandler 0.00 0 Open [DFRS-6] Use a testing framework which creates nested collections Project DGEN tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [DGEN-4] Document that floating point numbers aren't supported 0.00 0 Open [DGEN-5] `data.generators/reservoir-sample` is biased against early members of the collection ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [DGEN-3] Gauss and triangular distributions Project DIMAP tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [DIMAP-2] Proper seq on int-sets 0.00 0 Open [DIMAP-9] Unlike regular transient sets, transient sets do not support the IFn interface 0.00 0 Open [DIMAP-13] Cannot merge int-sets of different density. 0.00 0 Open [DIMAP-14] support element lookup on transient sets 0.00 0 Open [DIMAP-15] PersistentIntMap equals/equiv gives wrong result 0.00 0 Open [DIMAP-16] int sets return false for .equals and = when comparing against java.util.Set, and similarly for int maps against java.util.Map ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [DIMAP-1] Support efficient rseq on int maps 0.00 0 Open [DIMAP-6] int-map doc string is overly restrictive? 0.00 0 Open [DIMAP-7] Minor typos in README and docstring 0.00 0 Open [DIMAP-8] Union, intersection and difference have only 2 arguments versions Project DJSON tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [DJSON-21] Improper parsing of literals 0.00 0 Open [DJSON-22] Improper parsing of numbers - leading zeroes should be disallowed 0.00 0 Open [DJSON-24] should handle non breking whitespace 0.00 0 Open [DJSON-25] Escaped backslash in strings throws 0.00 0 Open [DJSON-26] write-object can retain head of collections 0.00 0 Open [DJSON-27] Separator punctuation is treated as whitespace in arrays and objects ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [DJSON-18] Fast way to print indented json 0.00 0 Open [DJSON-28] Escape control characters 0-1F even if :escape-unicode false Project DPRIMAP tickets ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [DPRIMAP-3] Add more developer info and Markdown markup to README 0.00 0 Open [DPRIMAP-5] Add support for subseq, rsubseq 0.00 0 Open [DPRIMAP-8] Add clojurescript support Project DXML tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [DXML-43] Emitting XML element with :xmlns attribute doesn't work as expected 0.00 0 Open [DXML-51] aggregate-xmlns overwrites metadata 0.00 0 Open [DXML-53] Java 9 changes indented xml output (adds newlines) 0.00 0 Open [DXML-55] Cannot customise prefixes when aggregating namespaces ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [DXML-22] Adding hiccup generation function for elements 0.00 0 Open [DXML-40] README FileWriter example fails if platform default encoding is not UTF-8 0.00 0 Open [DXML-41] README - applicability of xml-seq, xml-zip? 0.00 0 Open [DXML-50] Indenting writer 0.00 0 Open [DXML-52] Transforming fragments of non-namespaced xml into default xmlns 0.00 0 Open [DXML-57] Support printing element metadata with *print-meta* 0.00 0 Open [DXML-58] Please add a method to to specify xml-stylesheet processing instruction 0.00 0 Open [DXML-60] NodeJS support for ClojureScript ======================================== Task 0.00 0 Open [DXML-45] Support UTF-8 XML beginning with BOM Project DZIP tickets ======================================== Defect 8.00 8 Open [DZIP-6] Sub Entries with the same Name can't be selected Bastien Guerry (1.00) Brian Stearns (1.00) Cameron Dorrat (1.00) Carlo Sciolla (1.00) David Bürgin (1.00) Gilles Philippart (1.00) Marco Molteni (1.00) Nathan Irwin Smutz (1.00) ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [DZIP-7] Make xml-> return empty strings instead of skipping non-matching nodes Project INST tickets Project JDATA tickets ======================================== Defect 1.00 1 Open [JDATA-9] from-java does not convert Boolean to clojure keyword Nick MacGyver (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [JDATA-10] from-java on an object with Boolean attribute = false returns "bad" Booleans Ethan McCue (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [JDATA-4] to-java not working on some setters 0.00 0 Open [JDATA-6] to-java not working when setter takes Map as parameter ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [JDATA-1] Handle primitive types and arrays 0.00 0 Open [JDATA-3] Simplify use cases / split up to-java 0.00 0 Open [JDATA-5] Translate - into camel casing in to-java 0.00 0 Open [JDATA-8] incorrect org.clojure/ convert java.util.Date use getter and setter 0.00 0 Open [JDATA-11] java.util.Date should not be converted Project JDBC tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [JDBC-170] Connection string query parameters aren't decoded correctly ======================================== Enhancement 2.00 2 Open [JDBC-48] Support stored procedures with CallableStatement Adrian A. (1.00) Dale Peakall (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [JDBC-64] Support multiple result sets? 0.00 0 Open [JDBC-143] Make it easier to test java.jdbc in other environments ======================================== Task 0.00 0 Open [JDBC-157] Review specs for efficiency Project JMX tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [JMX-20] "jmx/with-connection" function throws NullPointerException if provided "{:url nil}" ======================================== Enhancement 2.00 2 Open [JMX-8] Extend java.jmx to support exposing operations in created beans Howard Lewis Ship (1.00) Tim McCormack (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [JMX-5] Timeout support 0.00 0 Open [JMX-9] Eliminate several uses of reflection in java.jmx 0.00 0 Open [JMX-12] Throw exception when overloaded operation is ambiguous 0.00 0 Open [JMX-19] Allow writable jmx beans attributes Project JVMTA tickets Project LOGIC tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Bad: Match n [LOGIC-186] spurious disequality constraints 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-26] Generate a better error when adding facts for arities that do not exist 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-28] defrel cannot be called inside function 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-47] is macro needs to be improved 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-48] fd/in should provide a default domain if none specified 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-68] add Prolog meta-logical predicates bagof, setof, findall 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-86] make `defc` more useful 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-96] relevant-var? logic incorrectly discards a vars constraint set 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-99] StackOverflow for large `appendo` 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-114] stack overflow with conda/u 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-117] one-shot constraints with multiple rands may run more than once 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-119] tie disequality 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-129] matcha/matchu are not faithful to the semantics of conda/condu 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-130] StackOverFlowError when walking over set 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-133] Add label goal 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-140] compile time occurs check for pattern matching 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-141] dcg: def--> ClassCastException 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-142] Unified map values are returned as LVar rather than the unified value in ClojureScript 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-153] deftest test-34-unify-with-metadata appears incorrect 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-154] walk* of an empty set overflows the stack 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-156] Finite Domains - Two consecutive calls to run* return different results 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-162] FD logic doesn't always return all solutions 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-166] walk* exponential in depth of tree terms? 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-168] Allow partial matching of keys not existing in a map 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-169] equality of non-unique lvars broken for clojure 1.7 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-172] nafc doesn't work with more complex goals 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-173] StackOverflowError when logic variable is unified with a set 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-174] LCons fails for inequality 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-175] Disequality might not eliminate when `(!= (_0 _0))` 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-176] Extending IUnifyTerms doesn't work anymore 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-177] binding to a deep nested vector takes too much time 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-180] spec detects error in -inc macro 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-181] Running rembero returns :- (!= _0 _0) 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-182] An lvar unified with a keyword behaves differently from a keyword 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-183] The extension of IDisunifyTerms to LCons calls seq on lcons values. LCons doesn't implement ISeq 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-185] finite domain uncomplete results 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-187] *locals* is unbound in some calls to `p->term` 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-188] EQ conditions which match against a negative result fail to find any results. 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-189] The order of constraits matters? ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-35] Core.logic equivalent of multimethods 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-38] Logic Threading Macro 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-43] LVar should print readably 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-44] ex* could expand macros in patterns 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-70] support for defaults in the simple unifier 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-87] Decomplect the narrowing of the constraint space from the search order 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-89] Allow application again in pattern matches 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-123] Allow unification with sequential in both directions 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-128] add mod/rem/abs/min/max 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-136] Make benchmark suite as easy to run as `lein test` 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-138] Allow tying multiple noms in one binder 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-144] Extending cljs.core.logic with all of the functionality from clojure.core.logic 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-146] run macro should take * in addition to n 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-164] Guard against arity missmatches between rels, facts and retractions 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-165] Add non-interleaving version of conde 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-170] Replacing Marker Interfaces 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-171] The docstring of condu is incorrect or at least confusing 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-179] Document how defn/implicit do with multiple goals does not work ======================================== Task 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-157] A warning is thrown regarding the redefinition of record? in clojure 1.6.0 0.00 0 Open [LOGIC-178] Example of unifier on wiki uses wrong syntax? Project MATCH tickets ======================================== Defect 2.00 2 Open [MATCH-105] Regex: only attempt to match string values. Marco Molteni (1.00) Timothy Pote (1.00) 2.00 2 Open [MATCH-114] Rather simple match fails with code too large Andrey Zaytsev (1.00) chuan6 (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [MATCH-31] vector patterns should work on seq Russell Mull (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-49] Duplicate wildcard detection in pattern row doesn't account for locals 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-74] pass occurrence to emit-pattern 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-75] rest patterns don't work on arrays 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-90] ignore duplicate wildcard check if matching a local multiple times in same pattern row 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-93] Simple capturing of :or matches with :as doesn't work 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-95] recur detection logic is too naive 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-99] Example in Overview Wiki Page Results in an Exception 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-101] Apparent regression for test sharing literals 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-102] Do :guard predicates really need to handle :clojure.core.match/not-found? 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-106] variable binding fails with :or guard 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-107] Map pattern with vector key raises "clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Named" exception 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-112] :as and & interaction issue 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-113] Typo in match.clj 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-115] AppPattern with single wildcard throws exception 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-117] Outdated dependencies 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-119] Fix typo on multimehod 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-120] Empty seq match can throw Exception 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-122] Or matches with vectors improperly match 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-123] Exception when regexp-matching on a map key that does not exist. 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-125] Keyword literal as function apply(:<<) result 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-126] Shadowing bindings does not work as expected ======================================== Enhancement 15.00 15 Open [MATCH-116] core.match clojurescript should be self-host compatible Aleksander Madland Stapnes (1.00) Andrea Russo (1.00) Andreas Thoelke (1.00) Brian Dawn (1.00) Didier A. (1.00) Dmitri Sotnikov (1.00) Gary Trakhman (1.00) Ivan Mikushin (1.00) JF Rompre (1.00) JR Heard (1.00) Jiacai Liu (1.00) Lauri Oherd (1.00) Nikolay Artamonov (1.00) Vincent DM (1.00) Yuri Govorushchenko (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [MATCH-4] Optimized pattern matching on deftype/record, POJOs Leonardo Borges (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-2] Matching Diagnostics 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-8] Implement (p|q)ba heuristics 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-40] Allow or'ing of guard functions 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-64] Improve match compile times 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-65] cata matching 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-72] complexity analysis 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-78] Switches on literals should happen via `case` not `cond` 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-103] Support for lists in patterns. 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-110] convert to .cljc ======================================== Task 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-7] Eliminate distinction between leaf-bind-expr and bind-expr 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-79] Tidy up for 0.2.0, add comprehensive doc strings 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-108] Upgrade org.clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm dependency to "0.6.6" 0.00 0 Open [MATCH-118] Simplify computation of necessary column Project MCOMB tickets ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [MCOMB-6] Support ClojureScript by converting from CLJ to CLJC 0.00 0 Open [MCOMB-8] Better support for sets 0.00 0 Open [MCOMB-10] Allow maps as multi-sets ======================================== Task 0.00 0 Open [MCOMB-3] Please add project.clj Project MTOWER tickets ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [MTOWER-6] gcd would be faster with rem Project NREPL tickets ======================================== Defect 2.00 2 Open [NREPL-3] Adopt default port Andrew Rosa (1.00) Bozhidar Batsov (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [NREPL-69] Interrupt of load-file generates java.lang.ThreadDeath exception Lars Andersen (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-24] :session key is overloaded 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-28] Clarify semantics for String encoding 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-33] Consider making session and eval functionality more accessible 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-36] Too many DynamicClassLoaders created 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-48] *1/*2/*3/*e nil in cloned session 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-54] No version of nrepl when connect to the lein-droid REPL 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-76] Some messages to an nREPL server never result in a response that includes status :done 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-80] Thread used to evaluate forms changes over time 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-81] Transport/send hangs when sending non-bencodable information outside of :value slot 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-82] Descriptor for "add-stdin" appears to incorrectly declare :returns "need-input" 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-84] Log "foo" for (misc/log "foo"), not nil 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-87] start-server throws exception on alpine linux 3.6 ======================================== Enhancement 2.00 2 Open [NREPL-55] Support custom value rendering middleware Dmitri Naumov (1.00) Kenny Williams (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [NREPL-77] Expose installed middlewares via some mechanism Dirk Geurs (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [NREPL-85] Add initial authentication support and simple default Emlyn Corrin (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-4] Provide sane multiplexing of output in the face of multithreaded, asynchronous operation 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-15] Allow clients to specify an ID for newly-retained sessions 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-29] Provide a mechanism for overriding an operation 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-43] Document the availability/usage of *e, *1, *2, ... in nREPL 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-44] Expose JMX MBean to provide list of available nREPL endpoints 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-86] Update current version number in README ======================================== Task 0.00 0 Bad: Unkn Fi [NREPL-74] Drop support for Clojure older than 1.5 0.00 0 Open [NREPL-75] Devise a way to isolate middleware deps from regular deps Project TANAL tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [TANAL-100] Fix method matcher 0.00 0 Open [TANAL-126] tools.analyzer.jvm eval's arglists metadata differently in emitted Clojure code? 0.00 0 Open [TANAL-129] Datalog in not working ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [TANAL-84] Simplify tag handling for castings/nil insertion/value popping 0.00 0 Open [TANAL-113] Convert clojure.lang.Compiler/analyze to a map conforming to tools.analyzer.jvm Project TBENCH tickets ======================================== Defect 1.00 1 Open [TBENCH-12] Alioth k-nucleotide Mike Anderson (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [TBENCH-11] Alioth reverse-complement 0.00 0 Open [TBENCH-14] Alioth fannkuch-redux ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [TBENCH-2] Alioth chameneos-redux 0.00 0 Open [TBENCH-3] Alioth meteor-contest 0.00 0 Open [TBENCH-4] Alioth pidigits 0.00 0 Open [TBENCH-16] Add performance testing for STM Project TCHECK tickets ======================================== Defect 1.00 1 Open [TCHECK-106] Variable-sized collection generators have exponential sizing issues when composed Marco Molteni (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-57] Performance regression in map generator between 0.5.8 and 0.5.9 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-111] The latest recursive-gen algorithm seems to exhibit a peculiar lack of variety in depths 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-112] bind doesn't shrink very well 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-120] size of args is conflated with depth in shrink tree ======================================== Enhancement 5.00 5 Open [TCHECK-2] pos-int is confusingly named Enzzo Cavallo (1.00) Marc O'Morain (1.00) Maurício Eduardo Chicupo Szabo (1.00) Steve Miner (1.00) Chas Emerick (1.00) 3.00 3 Open [TCHECK-15] gen/for macro for alternate combinator syntax Gunnar Völkel (1.00) Jason Felice (1.00) Michael Blume (1.00) 2.00 2 Open [TCHECK-7] Add nested property support Ben Mabey (1.00) Maciej Jaśkowski (1.00) 2.00 2 Open [TCHECK-123] Interactive documentation Adrian A. (1.00) JR Heard (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TCHECK-8] Bound tests and shrinks in time Chas Emerick (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TCHECK-97] Support Unicode chararacters for char based generators Griffin Smith (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TCHECK-128] test.check doesn't seem to have a macro for asynchronous tests Jakub Dušek (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-4] Handle sigint 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-14] re-organize README and doc/ 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-19] Permit a data-structure containing generators to be used as a generator 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-21] Rerunning a particular failure is difficult. 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-38] Generators for functions? 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-41] Add helpers for deprecating generators 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-44] for-all should support nesting 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-48] Add sublist generator 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-58] Alternate clojure.test integration 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-60] string from regular expression generator 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-70] Redesign gen/choose 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-71] Exponential generator 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-72] Poisson generator 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-84] Add gen/uniform-double 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-85] prop/for-all should let later bindings refer to earlier bindings 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-87] New stats feature: Adds ability to assign labels to test cases to report the test case distribution when running a test 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-96] quick-check should accept an arg for maximum shrinking time 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-99] Create a generator that will limit the size of a generated sequence 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-101] Add a prop/for-all alternative to c.t.c.clojure-test that uses clojure.test/is &c 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-102] Provide a mechanism for getting output from a test run after interrupting it. 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-110] Enable shrinking on recursive generators 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-115] run tests in parallel on the jvm 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-119] Checking of interesting edge cases is not very creative 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-126] Refactor c.t.c/quick-check as a state machine to provide more extension points 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-144] Add performance regression checks 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-153] Metadata for tuning on generated values ======================================== Feature 1.00 1 Open [TCHECK-148] Add a bigint generator Jakub Dušek (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-146] Consider adding for-all-2 to address a couple issues 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-147] Variant of gen/any without NaNs? 0.00 0 Open [TCHECK-149] Better distribution for the ratio generator Project TCLI tickets ======================================== Task 0.00 0 Open [TCLI-92] Review cli-matic for inspiration for enhancing tools.cli Project TDEPS tickets ======================================== Defect 3.36 4 Open [TDEPS-52] transitive deps pick up :paths from current project when :paths unspecified in transitive dep Avi Flax (1.00) Reid McKenzie (1.00) Dieter Komendera (1.00) Kenny Williams (0.36) 3.36 4 Open [TDEPS-56] Main opts with space broken apart Nuttanart Pornprasitsakul (1.00) Phill Wolf (1.00) Michael Nygard (1.00) Kenny Williams (0.36) 3.36 4 Open [TDEPS-83] Classpath caching does not invalidate when local root manifests are changed. Lucio D'Alessandro (1.00) Wilker Lúcio da Silva (1.00) Dominic Monroe (1.00) Kenny Williams (0.36) 3.36 4 Open [TDEPS-104] UnknownHostKey: XXXX. RSA key fingerprint is YYYYY Jesse Wertheim (1.00) Moritz Heidkamp (1.00) Won Seob Seo (1.00) Kenny Williams (0.36) 3.22 4 Open [TDEPS-66] GitHub repo name is confusing Elana Hashman (1.00) Martin Klepsch (1.00) Vladimir Tsanev (0.86) Kenny Williams (0.36) 2.00 2 Open [TDEPS-8] tools.deps does not handle maven relocations Felix Andrews (1.00) Roman Liutikov (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TDEPS-29] Updates to pom continually adds superfluous newlines under Java 9 Arne Brasseur (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TDEPS-121] Windows clj does not handle quoted strings in -Sdeps argument correctly Iván Galbán Smith (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TDEPS-124] Cannot resolve Git deps through proxy Patrik Sundberg (1.00) 0.36 1 Open [TDEPS-58] Dependency resolution depends on order in map Kenny Williams (0.36) 0.36 1 Open [TDEPS-108] Causes logback.xml conflicts Kenny Williams (0.36) 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-31] ssh git repository doesn't work with some SSH host key algorithms 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-49] Jsch public key problems 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-96] Resolving paths from pom project produces wrong result 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-100] -A / -M alias ordering is not respected for :main-opts 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-119] Unable to start deps.edn project in write protected directory 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-120] Windows version of tools.deps fails to launch Java if classpath is too long ======================================== Enhancement 2.00 2 Open [TDEPS-48] First class options for Socket REPL Oliver Caldwell (1.00) Dieter Komendera (1.00) 1.36 2 Open [TDEPS-17] Consider lib overrides Dominic Monroe (1.00) Kenny Williams (0.36) 1.36 2 Open [TDEPS-63] Support default jvm-opts Adam Frey (1.00) Kenny Williams (0.36) 1.36 2 Open [TDEPS-91] Shell out to Git instead of JGit Mike Fikes (1.00) Kenny Williams (0.36) 1.22 2 Open [TDEPS-81] Add support for a download progress callback to the tools.deps.alpha API Vladimir Tsanev (0.86) Kenny Williams (0.36) 1.00 1 Open [TDEPS-46] Repositories from dependencies' pom.xml are not used Martin Klepsch (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TDEPS-69] Authenticate deployed artifacts Jason Whitlark (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TDEPS-116] Allow specifying aliases in coordinates that point to deps.edn projects Michiel Borkent (1.00) 0.86 1 Open [TDEPS-101] :mvn/repos map in deps.edn should have a way to configure tag in generated pom.xml Vladimir Tsanev (0.86) 0.36 1 Open [TDEPS-33] Consider https git authentication Kenny Williams (0.36) 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-21] No diagnostic information when building classpath fails 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-62] Make Maven update policy configurable 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-70] scripts don't detect or warn if file referred to in cached classpath has been deleted 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-72] Add main opts to -Sdescribe output 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-78] Preload rlwrap completion list with clojure.core symbols 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-80] Provide a means to create a classpath with the installed version of tools.deps.alpha 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-93] Add support for local git repository deps on the file system 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-94] git dependencies don't work with relative paths 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-99] Allow user to specify the path to Maven settings (or provide repo credentials directly) 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-115] Unable to specify context-specific deps in files other than ~/.clojure/deps.edn or ./deps.edn 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-125] Allow overriding java executable used by clojure script ======================================== Feature 2.36 3 Open [TDEPS-111] Access to full dependency graph including conflicts Masaru Itoh (1.00) Paul Dumais (1.00) Kenny Williams (0.36) 1.00 1 Open [TDEPS-57] Give names to `:config-files` Rick Moynihan (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TDEPS-84] Add Chocolatey Package Michael Nygard (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-88] Finalize meaning of -Srepro 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-103] Native library support for tools.deps 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-113] Install clojure CLI via SDKMAN! ======================================== Task 2.00 2 Open [TDEPS-41] Document classpath ordering strategy A. R (1.00) Thomas Heller (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TDEPS-122] Create a Scoop manifest for Clojure's CLI tools on Windows Tobias Burger (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [TDEPS-42] Document lib-map Project TEMJVM tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [TEMJVM-11] Stack error in recur ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [TEMJVM-5] Optimize constant metadata emission 0.00 0 Open [TEMJVM-10] Fix line number info 0.00 0 Open [TEMJVM-12] Improve test coverage 0.00 0 Open [TEMJVM-13] Modularize -emit method 0.00 0 Open [TEMJVM-14] Emit unchecked locals ======================================== Task 0.00 0 Open [TEMJVM-9] Change fn name munging scheme to match the one introduced with CLJ-1330 Project TGEN tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [TGEN-5] Defspec leaks :tag from args into generated code ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [TGEN-4] Typo in defspec docstring Project TLOG tickets ======================================== Defect 0.00 0 Open [TLOG-22] Fix typo at README for `result is 1/2` ======================================== Enhancement 1.00 1 Open [TLOG-20] log/info removes quotes from strings making debugging harder than it needs to be. Juan A. Ruz (1.00) Project TMACRO tickets ======================================== Defect 1.00 1 Open [TMACRO-4] still says 0.1.2 is latest stable release Tom Marble (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [TMACRO-3] Handling of namespaced symbols 0.00 0 Open [TMACRO-5] Misplaced doc string for function protected? 0.00 0 Open [TMACRO-6] with-symbol-macros fails to preserve set sortedness 0.00 0 Open [TMACRO-7] Extra paren in expansion 0.00 0 Open [TMACRO-8] System Performance ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [TMACRO-1] Preserve metadata for (at least) unexpanded forms Project TNS tickets ======================================== Defect 2.00 2 Open [TNS-6] Attempt to reload deleted file deliminator (1.00) Daniel Compton (1.00) 1.00 1 Open [TNS-7] Stack overflow on refresh after circular dependency detected Anthony Marcar (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [TNS-24] Broken tracker after mis-named namespace 0.00 0 Open [TNS-42] scan-dirs / scan-all can return incorrect dependencies when both clj and cljc files define same namespace 0.00 0 Open [TNS-43] ns-decl? treats (ns) as valid 0.00 0 Open [TNS-50] `require :reload` fails where `load-file` succeeds 0.00 0 Open [TNS-51] Support namespaces as strings in require statements 0.00 0 Open [TNS-53] Breakage with tools.reader 1.3.0 ======================================== Enhancement 9.00 9 Open [TNS-45] File in invalid path will mark namespace for reload Ag Ibragimov (1.00) Arne Brasseur (1.00) Avi Flax (1.00) Dennis Schridde (1.00) Dennis Schridde (1.00) Dieter Komendera (1.00) Dominic Monroe (1.00) Krisztian Szabo (1.00) Tianxiang Xiong (1.00) 2.00 2 Open [TNS-48] Ability to track files that are not namespaces Miikka Koskinen (1.00) Daniel Compton (1.00) 0.00 0 Open [TNS-37] c.t.n.move: does not support to move .cljc files 0.00 0 Open [TNS-39] Single classpath argument for c.t.n.move 0.00 0 Open [TNS-46] Add project.clj for easier development 0.00 0 Open [TNS-49] Show full path for circular dependency exceptions 0.00 0 Open [TNS-52] Generating namespace forms Project TRDR tickets ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [TRDR-45] The error feedback from the read-string function would be improved if it used an indexing reader. 0.00 0 Open [TRDR-49] Partial parses and complete source info (i.e. info on atoms without metadata) ======================================== Task 0.00 0 Open [TRDR-29] Simple benchmarking bash script to test before & after applying a batch Project TTRACE tickets ======================================== Enhancement 0.00 0 Open [TTRACE-9] Use aprint when displaying value 0.00 0 Open [TTRACE-10] Add throttling/rate-limiting 0.00 0 Open [TTRACE-14] Document how to trace non-public fns 0.00 0 Open [TTRACE-15] Small correction to example use in README - trace-ns requires quoted symbol in latest release 0.7.9 Project UNIFY tickets ======================================== Defect 0.86 1 Open [UNIFY-8] Handle sets correctly Michael Nygard (0.86) 0.86 1 Open [UNIFY-9] Between clojure 1.6 and clojure 1.7, unification of maps stopped working correctly Michael Nygard (0.86) 0.00 0 Open [UNIFY-7] Dead code in occurs? function ======================================== Task 0.86 1 Open [UNIFY-6] Create tests for k&v map unification Michael Nygard (0.86) 0.00 0 Open [UNIFY-3] Enhance documentation